Marco Rubio

Dr. Ben Carson Announces Support for Puerto Rican Statehood

Speaking on the island, Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson announced his support for Puerto Rican statehood. Dr. Carson argued that Puerto Ricans had been part of America too long without statehood. “When you stop and think about it Puerto Ricans have been Americans for a century or more already. […]

Fox Business Announces Debate Line-Up

Fox Business Network, host of the next Republican debate, has announced the line-ups for the undercard and primetime debates. Governor Chris Christie and former Governor Mike Huckabee have both been bumped down to the undercard debate for a total of four candidates. There couldĀ have been six or seven candidates on […]

During Debate, Republicans Turn the Table on Media

The CNBC moderators’ questions on Wednesday were designed to provoke debate between the candidates. Instead, the candidates turned on the moderator and the media, accusing them of an anti-Republican bias. CNBC’s moderators invited early criticism with questions that attacked the candidates, rather than focus on the substance. Donald Trump’s campaign […]