Lindsey Graham

CNN Charges Ahead with Health Care Debate

On Monday evening, Senator Susan Collins announced her opposition to the Graham-Cassidy health care reform bill. The decision effectively killed the bill in its current state with its current opposition which could have had a significant impact on CNN’s Monday night health care town hall that was supposed to focus on […]

CNN Announces Bipartisan Health Care Debate

On Thursday evening, CNN announced that it will hold a health care debate Monday night with Senators Bernie Sanders (I/D-VT), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Bill Cassidy (R-LA). The network is advertising the debate as one on “the fight over Obamacare.” However, CNN executive director of political programming Mark […]

President Trump Launches Sexist Attack on Mika Brzezinski

On Thursday morning, President Donald Trump took aim at MSNBC’s Morning Joe, in particular co-host Mika Brzezinski. Morning Joe and Trump have had a rocky relationship, going back and forth between praise for the candidate-turned-President and outright criticism. Trump tweeted (the two tweets have been merged together), “I heard poorly rated […]

Fox Business Announces Debate Line-Up

Fox Business Network, host of the next Republican debate, has announced the line-ups for the undercard and primetime debates. Governor Chris Christie and former Governor Mike Huckabee have both been bumped down to the undercard debate for a total of four candidates. There could have been six or seven candidates on […]