Ted Cruz

Iowa Secretary of State Criticizes Cruz Campaign for Voter Mailer

Senator Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign has been criticized for a mailer sent to voters in Iowa that shows a voting “score” and urges the voter to (emphasis theirs) “CAUCUS ON MONDAY TO IMPROVE YOUR SCORE.” The story was first reported by Independent Journal Review. The backside of the mailersĀ is headlined, […]

Poll: Donald Trump Holds Wide Lead in New Hampshire

New Hampshire has long been a stronghold for Donald Trump and the state continues to have a rosy outlook for the GOP frontrunner. The latest poll from CNN/WMUR shows Trump in the lead with the support of 34% of Republicans in the state. Twenty percentage points behind is Senator Ted […]

Governor Terry Branstad: Anyone But Cruz

Governor Terry Branstad (R-IA) broke with tradition on Tuesday and waded into the Republican primary. Iowa Governors, due to the state’s large importance in the nomination process, typically remain neutral. However, Branstad called for Senator Ted Cruz’s defeat at the Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit. When asked whether Cruz should be […]

Senator Rand Paul Airs Annual Grievances

One of the main elements of Festivus, the winter holiday popularized by Seinfeld, is the Airing of Grievances where people say how they were wronged over the past year. Every year, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) airs his grievances on Twitter and this year he took aim at government spending and […]

Washington Post Retracts Cartoon with Cruz and Daughters

The Washington Post is learning that children of politicians are still untouchable after editorial cartoonist Ann Telnaes took aim at Senator Ted Cruz and his children. The cartoon was published in response to an ad from the Cruz campaign that featured the presidential candidate reading politically-themed Christmas stories. Seemingly expecting […]