Editor’s Note: During the 2012 presidential election, TKNN had a weekly podcast and later show on Wednesday dedicated to the election. Honoring Twenty Twelve, we present our new series on the 2016 presidential election, the State of the Race.
Quinnipiac Poll: A new series of polling by Quinnipiac University looks at the perennial swing states of Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Hillary Clinton remains strong, yet Pennsylvania represents a potential sore spot. She loses the state 44% to 43% to Senator Marco Rubio and 45% to 44% to Senator Rand Paul. In Ohio, she loses to current Ohio Governor John Kasich, 47% to 40%. She also ties with Senator Paul at 43%. Kasich has not yet announced a presidential run, but is expected to. In Florida, Senator Rubio is stronger against Clinton than former Governor Jeb Bush. Both Bush and Rubio are from the state.
- 12 Republicans have announced a run.
- Ted Cruz
- Marco Rubio
- Rand Paul
- Ben Carson
- Carly Fiorina
- Mike Huckabee
- Rick Santorum
- Rick Perry
- George Pataki
- Lindsey Graham
- Jeb Bush
- Donald Trump
- 4 Democrats have announced a run.
- Hillary Clinton
- Bernie Sanders
- Martin O’Malley
- Lincoln Chafee
- Nationwide (Republicans)
- Jeb Bush
- Scott Walker
- Marco Rubio
- Ben Carson
- Mike Huckabee
- Rand Paul
- Ted Cruz
- Chris Christie
- Donald Trump
- Rick Perry
- Rick Santorum
- Carly Fiorina
- John Kasich
- Lindsey Graham
- Bobby Jindal
Fox News will be allowing the top ten places into their first Republican debate.
- Iowa (Republicans)
- Scott Walker
- Marco Rubio
- Mike Huckabee
- Rand Paul
- Jeb Bush
- Ben Carson
- Ted Cruz
- Rick Santorum
- Donald Trump
- Chris Christie
- Rick Perry
- Carly Fiorina
- John Kasich
- Bobby Jindal
- New Hampshire (Republicans)
- Jeb Bush
- Scott Walker
- Rand Paul
- Marco Rubio
- Donald Trump
- Chris Christie
- Ted Cruz
- Ben Carson
- Mike Huckabee
- Carly Fiorina
- Rick Perry
- Bobby Jindal
- Rick Santorum
- John Kasich
- South Carolina (Republicans)
- Jeb Bush
- Scott Walker
- Lindsey Graham
- Ted Cruz
- Ben Carson
- Mike Huckabee
- Marco Rubio
- Rand Paul
- Chris Christie
- Donald Trump
- Rick Santorum
- Rick Perry
- Nationwide (Democrats)
- Hillary Clinton
- Bernie Sanders
- Joe Biden
- Martin O’Malley
- Jim Webb
- Lincoln Chafee
- Iowa (Democrats)
- Hillary Clinton
- Bernie Sanders
- Joe Biden
- Martin O’Malley and Jim Webb (Tie)
- Lincoln Chafee
- New Hampshire (Democrats)
- Hillary Clinton
- Bernie Sanders
- Joe Biden
- Martin O’Malley
- Jim Webb
- Lincoln Chafee
- South Carolina (Democrats)
- Hillary Clinton
- Joe Biden
- Bernie Sanders
- Martin O’Malley
- Jim Webb
- Lincoln Chafee