New Hampshire Senate: Shaheen Up Ten

Election Center.jpgIn a new poll from Suffolk University, Sen. Jeanne Shaheen is up ten percentage points over likely Republican opponent, and former Senator from Massachusetts, Scott Brown. The wide lead is seen as surprising to some, since Brown was seen as one of the strongest Republican recruits this cycle in their effort to flip the Senate red. Sen. Shaheen has 49% to Brown’s 39%. When Shaheen is pitted against former Sen. Bob Smith, she has a twenty point lead. Shaheen’s success could be tied to her attempts to associate Brown with the Tea Party. The Tea Party is opposed by 48% of New Hampshirites and supported by 25%. Sen. Brown’s unfavorable rating is 46%, whereas Sen. Shaheen’s favorable rating is 52%. Unlike in other states, where Republicans are trying to tie Democrats to President Obama, that strategy may not be as effective in New Hampshire. President Obama’s favorability ratings are underwater by three percentage points, but 82% of people who voted for him feel good about their vote.

There is an interesting tidbit in the end of the poll results that relate to the fourth estate. Respondents were asked what news or commentary source they trust the most. 29% of those polled answered Fox News, making Fox the faraway winner. In second was “Other” with 13%. CNN got third with 12%. After undecided with 11% of the vote, all other news and commentary sources got under 10%. Other sources included ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, Comedy Central, and CSPAN. CSPAN was the least trusted, followed by Comedy Central and then CBS was not much higher.

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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