President Obama will meet his former challenger, Mitt Romney, at the White House tomorrow. The two will be having lunch in the White House’s private dining room. President Obama has talked about meeting his challenger since Election Night, bringing it up in his victory speech. The two have not talked since the concession call by former Governor Romney. Since then, Mitt Romney has largely stayed out of the light, aside from a family trip to Disney and a leaked video of a call to donors. The leaked video has not helped Mitt Romney, as he says that the President won by giving “gifts” to crucial voting groups and then working to turn them out to vote.
Many Democratic voters are also not happy about Mitt Romney visiting the White House, emphasizing his 47% and “gifts” comments. Supporters and volunteers for President Obama took to the campaign’s Dashboard tool to sound off on the visit. Many said that they wanted President Obama to extend an olive branch to Republicans, but Mitt Romney was the wrong one to extend it to.