John Kasich

Presidential Campaigns Look to Super Tuesday

Despite Nevada for the Republicans and South Carolina for the Democrats, the presidential campaigns are shifting their attention to Super Tuesday, the quadrennial event when several states all vote on the same day. Hundreds of delegates are at stake on both sides as Republicans have fourteen contests and Democrats thirteen. Some […]

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Win Primaries

Saturday night was a successful night for each party’s respective frontrunner. Democrats caucused in Nevada while Republicans held their South Carolina primary. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump each won their respective primaries. Each primary was called for the winner early on. The Republican side did have a tight race for […]

Donald Trump Wins New Hampshire Primary

Businessman Donald Trump won the New Hampshire Republican primary with a decisive win over his rivals. Trump won with a double-digit lead over his nearest competitor, Governor John Kasich (OH). Kasich focused intensely on the state and held over 100 town halls. Trump won every demographic in a state he […]

Poll: Donald Trump Holds Wide Lead in New Hampshire

New Hampshire has long been a stronghold for Donald Trump and the state continues to have a rosy outlook for the GOP frontrunner. The latest poll from CNN/WMUR shows Trump in the lead with the support of 34% of Republicans in the state. Twenty percentage points behind is Senator Ted […]

Kasich Campaign Makes Trump-Nazi Comparison

As Donald Trump continues to lead the Republican field, fellow presidential candidate Governor John Kasich (R-OH) is focusing his fire back on the real estate mogul. In a campaign ad released last week, Colonel Tom Moe paraphrased the famous poem, “First they came.” The poem was written by German Pastor Martin […]