Twenty Twelve for November 11, 2012

Hello, and welcome to the final Twenty Twelve. Today, complete results as we wrap up what seems to be the longest presidential race in history, and our little show.

Now, we begin with the Presidential election. President Obama won all the states TKNN rated as toss-ups. These were Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Colorado, and Virginia. Wisconsin and North Carolina were toss-ups, but we changed them to lean-Obama and lean-Romney, respectively. President Obama won 332 electoral votes to Mitt Romney’s 206.

When we come back, the Senate.

The Democrats have retained control of the Senate. With pickups in Conneticut, Indiana, and Massachusetts, while losing only one seat in Nebraska. Democrats now have control of fifty-three Senate seats, as compared to the Republicans’ forty-five seats. There are two Independents, and both are expected to caucus with the Democrats. That would give Democrats a total of fifty-five seats.

There were several widely-watched Senate races, such as Sen. Scott Brown vs. Elizabeth Warren. Sen. Brown was elected to fill the seat after Ted Kennedy’s death, and was running for a full term. Now, he is he is widely expected to run for Sen. Kerry’s Senate seat, should he be chosen for a Cabinet position.

There was also the Virginia Senate race. Which pitted a former Governor and DNC chair against a former Governor and Senator. George Allen was trying to regain his former Senate seat, but in the end lost to Democrat Tim Kaine.

Next, we end with the House of Representatives.

The Republicans have kept control of the House, thanks in large part to the 2010 redistricting. However, that did not stop the Democrats from making gains. The Democrats defeated Rep. Mary Bono Mack and appear to have defeated Rep. Allen West. Rep. West is involved in a close race, but not close enough to trigger a recount. Democrat Patrick Murphy has been declared the winner, but Rep. West has refused to concede. However, in the end concessions do not matter, votes do. There are still a few House races left to be called, but Democrats are leading in each one. Democrats are now expected to have over two hundred seats in the new House, marking a net gain.

Well, we thank you for joining us on Twelve for this over year and a half run. This finale deserves video, and I plan on recording it tomorrow. Just is on Sunday for a special edition of Political Jungle.

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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