Hello, and welcome to Twenty Twelve. Now, today we learned that former Senator Arlen Specter unfortunately passed away. We have coverage on that, and other topics.
But, first we begin with donations to the President’s campaign. News has come in that the Obama campaign set a new record of having 4 million individual people donating to the campaign. That means that roughly 1 in 75 Americans have donated to the President’s election.
Sen. Specter was the longest serving Senator in Pennsylvania’s history. He was a Republican for the majority of his term, however he switched to become a Democrat in 2009. He was one of three Republicans to vote for the stimulus, and became the sixth vote for the Democrats in the Senate. Sen. Specter switched to become a Democrat after fearing a primary challenge from the right. However, he ended up losing his Democratic primary to then-Rep. Joe Sestak, who ended up losing to now Senator Pat Toomey. Sen. Specter was 82 years old.
Well, thank you for joining us on Twenty Twelve, please join us again next week.