Sen. Specter Passes Away, 82 Years Old

Sen. Arlen Specter has lost his fight with cancer, his family announced. Sen. Specter was the longest serving Senator in Pennsylvania’s history. He was a Republican for the majority of his term, however he switched to become a Democrat in 2009. He was one of three Republicans to vote for the stimulus, and became the sixth vote for the Democrats in the Senate. Sen. Specter switched to become a Democrat after fearing a primary challenge from the right. However, he ended up losing his Democratic primary to then-Rep. Joe Sestak, who ended up losing to now Senator Pat Toomey. Sen. Specter was 82 years old.

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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