Following the grand jury’s decision to not indict police officer Darren Wilson in relation to the killing of Michael Brown, President Obama delivered a statement. He said that protesters should respect the wishes of the Brown family, who had called for peaceful protests. While the majority of protests have been peaceful, there has been worries of looting and violence. An image circulating around the social networks (TKNN cannot independently confirm the photo’s authenticity, but other news organizations’ employees have been tweeting the photo) show a Boost Mobile store that had its glass windows shattered and most, if not all, of the merchandise stolen. Protests have started around the country following the grand jury’s decision. In addition to the protests in Ferguson, there is also a protest in New York City. Activist groups have also reacted to the lack of an indictment with petitions calling for President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to take action. Officer Wilson’s possible indictment would have had to prove that Wilson shot Brown for a reason other than his safety. It was not an indictment over whether or not Wilson shot Brown, which has already been proven. There is also a federal civil rights investigation and the Department of Justice is continuing its investigation into the Ferguson Police Department.