Apparently, President Obama’s electoral coalition and his second term are two demographically different areas. With President Obama’s newest Cabinet choices, they are all white men. The second term is looking more male, and more white, even as President Obama accuses the Republicans of a ‘War on Women.’ Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is being replaced by Sen. John Kerry. Jack Lew has been nominated to take over the Treasury. While former Sen. Chuck Hagel has been tapped for the Defense Department. Also, the women are just leaving. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis resigned yesterday, while EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson resigned late last year. Even, Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) said on MSNBC, “it’s embarrassing as hell.” Now, the White House is on damage control. As a photo spread around the Internet of a photo showing an all-male meeting, except for advisor Valerie Jarrett’s leg, the White House released another photo. This time, there are three women. Also, the White House has been pushing how they have women in non-Cabinet roles, and in the judiciary. They are also saying how Kathleen Sibelius is staying at the Department of Health and Human Services, and Janet Napolitano appears to remaining as Secretary of Homeland Security. The White House is attempting to avoid a “binders full of women” moment, while also trying to avoid cynicism. Critics say that if a woman is nominated now, she would had been nominated for the sole reason that she is a woman. So, this publicity is making any woman appointment harder, but more necessary at the same time.