THE TRUMP CARD: Fox News has released a new nationwide poll. Donald Trump and Jeb Bush both saw a rise after their announcements, but Trump’s was enough to move him into the top tier. Jeb Bush places first with fifteen percent, but Donald Trump is in second with eleven percent. Dr. Ben Carson, with ten percent, is the only other candidate in double digits. Scott Walker, who has not yet announced a presidential run, fell to nine percent.
The results with percentages:
- Jeb Bush (15)
- Donald Trump (11)
- Ben Carson (10)
- Rand Paul (9)
- Scott Walker (9)
- Marco Rubio (8)
- Mike Huckabee (6)
- Ted Cruz (4)
- Carly Fiorina (3)
- Rick Santorum (3)
## The Fox News debate limits the debate to the top ten places in national polling. - Chris Christie (2)
- Bobby Jindal (2)
- John Kasich (2)
- Rick Perry (2)
- Lindsey Graham (1)
- George Pataki (1)
The poll is a different than other national polls. Trump is much higher in the Fox News poll that in the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll where he registered at one percent. In the Real Clear Politics average, Trump still remains in the top ten.
JINDAL JUMPS IN: Governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA) jumped into the presidential race. He did so with an online video and then held a rally earlier today. In his announcement speech, he attacked Jeb Bush repeatedly.
IOWA UPDATE: Walker remains on top.
NEW HAMPSHIRE UPDATE: A new poll from Suffolk University shows Jeb Bush and Donald Trump in first and second place, respectively.