Governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA) announced his presidential run today online. He is the thirteenth Republican (fourteenth, if you count Mark Everson) to announce a presidential run.
Jindal was expected to announce the run at a rally Wednesday afternoon, but he instead posted a video online. The video shows Governor Jindal and his wife, Supriya, telling their children that he plans on running for President. Governor Jindal also tells them that if they behave, they might get to go to Iowa. His one son responds by saying that his favorite part about Iowa is the popcorn.
Jindal’s political stock has been on the decline over the past few years. In 2009, Jindal delivered the response to President Obama’s address before a joint session of Congress. His delivery style was criticized and compared to Kenneth the Page from 30 Rock. In 2012, Jindal declined to run for President and instead endorsed Governor Rick Perry’s presidential run. Later, he campaigned for the Romney-Ryan ticket.
Jindal has been struggling in polling. His national poll numbers hover around and below one percent. His numbers are similar in the early states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. Democrats responded to Jindal’s announcement by asking in a press release who he was.