Lindsey Graham 91% Sure He Will Run for President

road to the white houseSenator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said on Fox News Sunday this morning that he is 91% sure he will run for president. His final decision will come if he can raise enough money and it should come around May.

“Yeah, I think so, I’ve got to put the means together. I think I’ve got a good message. I think I’ve been more right than wrong on foreign policy. I’ve criticized the president for leading from behind, for being weak and indecisive. I’ve been a problem solver in Washington, and I think I’ve got something to offer the party and the nation,” said Senator Graham in the interview.

Graham, who holds moderate opinions on climate change, closing tax loopholes and comprehensive immigration reform, believes if he can win the mostly conservative South Carolina, he can win the Republican nomination and the Presidency.

Despite being elected and re-elected by voters in the state, Graham trails behind in South Carolinian polls behind Scott Walker, Jeb Bush, and Ted Cruz. 55% of South Carolinian voters said they would not support a Graham presidential bid.

“I’d like to clean up the air and the water, become more energy independent, I reject the cap-and-trade solution of Al Gore.” said Graham on climate change and his environmental policy.

Graham has been known to be less appealing to conservative voters for holding various moderate views. He had six primary opponents in 2014, with those running to his right trying to knock him off. Graham has been unpopular with the Tea Party wing due to his hawkish foreign policy views, moderate position on immigration reform, and willingness to compromise with Democrats.

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