Hillary Clinton is the Mitt Romney of 2016.
She is the presumed nominee of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party candidates attack her more than each other. In 2012, Romney was the presumed nominee and the Democrats started early in attacking him as elitist and out-of-the-touch.
This cycle, Republicans are focusing early on Secretary Clinton.
The Republican National Committee has been releasing video ads against her and trying to paint her as untrustworthy and scandal-plagued. The Republicans have 168 different content items tagged with Hillary Clinton, many of which are from this year alone.
RNC Chairman Reince Priebus released the following statement after Clinton’s announcement:
“Americans need a president they can trust and voters do not trust Hillary Clinton. Over decades as a Washington insider, Clinton has left a trail of secrecy, scandal, and failed policies that can’t be erased from voters’ minds. The Clintons believe they can play by a different set of rules and think they’re above transparency, accountability, and ethics.
Our next president must represent a higher standard, and that is not Hillary Clinton.
“Clinton’s announcement comes in the shadows of looming investigations over deletion of State Department records and suspicious foreign donations. For weeks Clinton has stonewalled the American public on unanswered questions around these many scandals. As an official candidate, Clinton must come clean with the American people.“Republicans have a strong and diverse set of candidates who will engage in a productive debate on how to move our country forward. Clinton’s coronation represents more of the same, and voters have made it clear they want a new direction.”
The RNC has also put out a petition pledge in an attempt to rally members around stopping Clinton. The petition has a goal of 100,000 signatures, but stands around 21,000 at the time of publication. The petition is getting circulation on Twitter and Mitt Romney has tweeted it out.
The Republican contenders are also weighing in. Ted Cruz released the following statement:
“Hillary Clinton just announced what we’ve known for a long time — she’s running for president, again. But the good news is that we’re ready for Hillary — we know exactly what to expect.
“Hillary Clinton represents the failed policies of the past and there’s going to be a very clear choice to make in 2016. Does America want a third Obama term or are we ready for strong conservative leadership to make America great again?
“Her announcement raises a critical question: Is the world a safer place because Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State?
“The answer is obvious. No. The Obama-Clinton national security policies have made the world more dangerous for America and for our allies.
“She designed and implemented ‘leading from behind.’ On her watch we have witnessed the rise of Russia, Iran, and ISIS. Radical Islamic terrorists are on the march. Here at home, the Obama-Clinton economic policies have made life harder and harder for millions of hard-working Americans.
“We know that a Hillary Clinton Administration would be no different than an Obama Administration.
“Obamacare, amnesty, and the ongoing assault on our constitutional rights would continue. Our rights to religious liberty, to free speech, and to keep and bear arms would continue to be threatened by the federal government. There would be more scandals, more corruption, more lawlessness, and more abuse of power.
“The American people have had enough. I believe now, more than ever, is a time for truth.
“It is time to champion the rights of the American people, and to defend America’s sovereignty and the Constitution.
“Courageous conservatives can and will reignite the promise of America. Together we’re going to win. We’re going to restore freedom and the Constitution and make America great again.”
Rand Paul also responded to Hillary’s announcement. He released a simple, one-sentence statement, “Hillary Clinton’s attacks on liberty and the constitution make her unfit to serve as President of the United States.” He also put out several social media photos saying Liberty Not Hillary. In addition, new items were added to to the campaign store with the Liberty Not Hillary saying. The campaign also released a limited quantity server with Hillary’s face on it. The server costs $99.95, but is non-working.