In many speeches, Rick Santorum brings up the late former President Ronald Reagan. Besides being loved by Republicans and looked up to by candidates, Ronald Reagan serves another purpose to Rick Santorum. Rick Santorum is currently in second place for the Republican nomination, and Ronald Reagan was. Before Ronald Reagan ran for President in 1980, he staged another run earlier, in 1976. Ronald Reagan ran in 1976, challenging the current President, Gerald Ford. However, Ronald Reagan got second to Gerald Ford. Gerald Ford ran against Jimmy Carter, and lost. So, Rick Santorum may be making a subtle prediction. Another point about Ronald Reagan was brought up at Rick Santorum’s Wisconsin, Maryland, and D.C. rally, Ronald Reagan was the only Republican in one hundred twenty years to beat an incumbent Democrat. Many Democrats have beaten incumbent Republicans, including FRD beating Herbert Hoover, and Bill Clinton beating George H.W. Bush, who supports Mitt Romney. Many analysts have seen Rick Santorum as a possible 2016 contender, now he may be agreeing with that.