Daily Briefing for August 16, 2012

Hello and welcome to the Daily Briefing for August 16, 2012. Now today our top stories are:

More Republican convention speakers announced.
Wisconsin is now a toss-up state.
Arizona governor Jan Brewer has denied benefits to undocumented workers.
Now its time for our Short and Sweet Stories, our top stories condensed.
Six more speakers for the Republican National Convention have been announced. Four of the speakers were said to be potential running mates for Mitt Romney, and one, former Rep. Artur Davis is a former Democrat. Rep. Davis is well known for seconding then-Senator Obama’s nomination in 2008. Governors Bobby Jindal and Bob McDonnell, and Senators Kelly Ayotte and Rob Portman were said to be on Mitt Romney’s short list, and will now be speaking. One notable person we have not heard about is former Governor Tim Pawlenty.
The latest CNN-ORC polling has put Wisconsin, some would say, as a toss-up. President Obama is now only leading the state by four percentage points. A recent poll in Pennsylvania shows Mitt Romney has halved President Obama’s lead from twelve percentage points to six percentage points. However, a national poll shows Mitt Romney has not gotten any immediate bounce from his pick of Rep. Paul Ryan.
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has signed an executive order, saying that no state benefits will be given to participants in President Obama’s deportation deferment program. They will not be able to get benefits such as a drivers license. This is not the first time Governor Brewer has tested the Administration, she had seen shaking her finger at President Obama on a tarmac.
Thank you for joining us on Daily Briefing, please remember, we’ve got Political Jungle, and I think you’ll really like it.

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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