House Adopts New Budget

  The House has passed the joint House-Senate budget that targets Obamacare and other spending while boosting defense spending. The vote was 226-197. Later the Senate will vote on the budget and confirm it or deny it.

Every Democrat voted against the bill while all but 14 Republicans voted for it.

“We are set to adopt the first balanced budget of this kind in over a decade,” Tom Price (R-GA) said. “The American people can’t live on borrowed money. The federal government ought not to do so either.”

The new budget is aiming to balance the budget within a decade. Cuts will be more than $5 trillion.

“Will not only get Washington’s fiscal house in order but pave the way for stronger economic growth, more jobs and more opportunity. It invests in our nation’s priorities, ensures a strong national defense and saves and strengthens and protects important programs like Medicare and Social Security,” said Price.

The spending limit for the 2016 year at $1.017 trillion.

Democrats have said the new budget is unfair to the middle class and lower class. They also have said it leaves tax breaks for large corporations and the upper class.

The budget is also noteworthy because of how it treats Obamacare. Due to it calling for the repeal of Obamacare, repeal legislation would be treated as budget legislation. This means it would only need 51 votes to pass in the Senate. However, President Obama has said that he will veto any legislation that attempts to repeal his signature legislative act.

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