House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) has sent a letter to FBI Acting Director Andrew McGabe demanding memos by former FBI director James Comey about communications between him and President Trump. The letter came after a New York Times report that President Trump had said to Comey “I hope you can let this go” in regards to the FBI’s investigation of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.
“If true, these memoranda raise questions as to whether the president attempted to influence or impede the FBI’s investigation as it relates to Lt. Gen. Flynn,” the letter states.
“So the committee can consider that question and others, provide, no later than May 24, 2017, all memoranda, notes, summaries, and recordings referring to or relating to any communications between Comey and the president.”
The Times report alleged that Comey created a paper trail of memos regarding his communications with the President, whom he viewed with suspicion.
“.@GOPoversight is going to get the Comey memo, if it exists. I need to see it sooner rather than later. I have my subpoena pen ready,” Chaffetz tweeted.
Chaffetz’s move was also in stark contrast to Senator Richard Burr, the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee. He told reporters that “the burden is on the New York Times to get and show the memo.” Burr and Vice Chair Mark Warner (the ranking member on the Senate Intelligence Committee is referred to as Vice Chair) have also been leading an investigation into Russia’s role in the 2016 election.