Hillary Clinton Returns to Political Scene

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton officially returned to the political scene on Monday, launching a new political group, Onward Together. The name is inspired by the slogan of her 2016 presidential campaign, Stronger Together. The purpose of the political action committee is to unify the various President Donald Trump-resistance groups and funnel money towards them.

“From the Women’s March to airports across the country where communities are welcoming immigrants and refugees to town hall meetings in every community, Americans are speaking out like never before,” Clinton said in an email blast to supporters.

“I believe more fiercely than ever that citizen engagement at every level is central to a strong and vibrant democracy.”

Clinton also made a brief reference to her own campaign when she wrote that the organization is “dedicated to advancing the progressive vision that earned nearly 66 million votes in the last election.”

The groups Clinton mentioned were Swing Left (winning the House of Representatives in 2018), Emerge America (candidate recruitment), Color of Change (racial justice and criminal justice reform), Indivisible (congressional outreach), and Run for Something (candidate recruitment). Run for Something was started by two former Hillary for America staffers and the two responded in their own email blast saying that “both are long-time fans of Hillary, and we’re incredibly grateful and humbled to have her on our team.”

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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