Rep. Raul Labrador Announces Run for Majority Leader

20140613-223158-81118088.jpgFollowing yesterday’s announcement that Rep. Sessions will not run for Majority Leader, Tea Party-aligned members were left without a candidate for Majority Leader. However, Rep. Raul Labrador of Idaho has announced that he is running for Majority Leader against Whip Kevin McCarthy. According to a Heritage Action Scorecard comparison of Labrador, McCarthy, Leader Cantor, and Sessions, Rep. Labrador ranks first with a 77% rating. Sessions follows with 70%, Cantor with 53%, and finally, McCarthy at 42%. The average rating for a House Republican is 62%. Labrador was first elected in 2010, as part of the Tea Party wave. The interesting sign will be how much support Labrador is able to recieve. McCarthy has been the presumed favorite and has already secured a considerable amount of support.

Read Labrador’s statement:

“I was stunned when Eric Cantor lost his primary election earlier this week. Eric is a good friend and I have tremendous respect for him. But the message from Tuesday is clear – Americans are looking for a change in the status quo.

“I want a House Leadership team that reflects the best of our conference. A leadership team that can bring the Republican conference together. A leadership team that can help unite and grow our party. Americans don’t believe their leaders in Washington are listening and now is the time to change that.

“Republicans need to address the growing challenges of immobility amongst the poor, insecurity in the middle class and stop protecting the special interests at the top. We must ensure every American has an equal opportunity to succeed, that they are treated fairly not only by the laws we pass in Congress, but by our political system. We must restore the proper role of government to create space for free markets and civil society to prosper and flourish. And we have to unify the country around the values we share, the ideas we all support, and solutions we can agree on. President Obama and the Democrats have had their chance and they have failed. Republicans must be willing to take these challenges head on with new leadership, fresh ideas, and a different approach. I am running for Majority Leader because I want to help create a vision of growth and opportunity for everyone and start getting to work for the American people.”

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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