The Situation Room to Debut New Graphics

23189_002_0415_RWolf Blitzer announced on Twitter today that The Situation Room will be debuting new graphics later today.

The program tweeted out a vine of Wolf introducing the show with all different graphics and included Blitzer standing in front of a video wall with the new graphics.

These will be the first graphics that do not feature a star ring around the title.

One of CNN’s longest running shows, The Situation Room will mark ten years next month.

The last graphics update came around the time CNN’s D.C. bureau debuted a new studio. TKNN has reached out to CNN PR for word on why the graphics are being updated now, but there was no response at press time.

UPDATE (3:59 PM ET): A CNN spokesperson emails, “The show is celebrating its 10th anniversary in August and wanted to have a fresh look heading into its next decade. ”

Situation Room graphics:

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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