Investigative reporter Ken Silverstein has resigned from First Look Media. First Look Media is the media company started by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar and its main website, The Intercept, features the reporting of Glenn Greenwald. Jim Romenesko broke the news on his website. Silverstein had been with First Look Media for fourteen months and worked with Matt Taibbi while he was at the company. Taibbi left First Look Media in October of last year. After Taibii’s departure, First Look Media let go of all of the staff that worked on Taibbi’s never-released digital magazine, Racket. While Silverstein worked with Racket, he was not part of the group, and therefore was not let go with the group.
Silverstein privately broke the news on his Facebook news feed. The comments were set to Friends Only, but he allowed Romenesko to publish them on the website. Silverstein’s comments were highly critical of First Look Media, including Greenwald and Omidyar. Silverstein also says that the group’s mission of fearless journalism was tampered by management. In addition, he says that Greenwald would not doing anything as poor decisions were made.
At one point, Silverstein seemingly jokes about writing a book about his time at the company. He says the tentative title is “Welcome to the Slaughterhouse.” Later, Silverstein stated, “Wow, it is amazing how good it feels not to work for The Intercept.”
(h/t: Jim Romenesko)