United Nations

United Nations Announces New Secretary-General

The ambassadors on the United Nations Security Council announced on Wednesday that the members have come behind Antonio Guterres to be the next Secretary-General. In the straw poll, Guterres was easily the top pick with 13 “encouraged” votes. He did not have any “discouraged” votes, but two members expressed “no […]

Four World Leaders Call for Reforming the Security Council

Editor’s Note: The headline has been updated. Earlier Wednesday, President Jacob Zuma of South Africa, Prime Minister John Key of New Zealand, Prime Minister Shinzō Abe of Japan, and Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Naif Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud of Saudi Arabia all called for a reform of the United Nations Security […]

Prime Minister Netanyahu Stares Down UN General Assembly for 45 Seconds of Silence

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continued to rail against the Iran nuclear deal on Thursday. He spoke to the United Nations General Assembly and blasted the member nations for their “utter silence” when it comes to Iran threatening the existence of Israel. He listed off various threats from over the years […]