Hillary Clinton

Super Tuesday Pushes Frontrunners Forward

[UPDATE]: Ted Cruz won Texas, Oklahoma, and Alaska. Marco Rubio won the Minnesota caucus. Donald Trump won Georgia, Vermont, Virginia, Alabama, Massachusetts, Tennessee, and Arkansas. However, John Kasich and Donald Trump are expected to get the same number of delegates in Vermont. Hillary Clinton won Georgia, Virginia, Alabama, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Arkansas, […]

Presidential Campaigns Look to Super Tuesday

Despite Nevada for the Republicans and South Carolina for the Democrats, the presidential campaigns are shifting their attention to Super Tuesday, the quadrennial event when several states all vote on the same day. Hundreds of delegates are at stake on both sides as Republicans have fourteen contests and Democrats thirteen. Some […]

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Win Primaries

Saturday night was a successful night for each party’s respective frontrunner. Democrats caucused in Nevada while Republicans held their South Carolina primary. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump each won their respective primaries. Each primary was called for the winner early on. The Republican side did have a tight race for […]

Representative James Clyburn to Endorse Clinton

South Carolina Rep. James Clyburn will be endorsing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for president on Friday. The Clinton campaign has confirmed the endorsement. Clyburn is a top Democrat in the House and the highest ranking African American in Congress. The endorsement could help Clinton in the South Carolina primary February 27. Polls indicate […]

Bernie Sanders Wins New Hampshire Primary

 Eight years after New Hampshire revitalized Hillary Clinton’s struggling presidential campaign, voters struck it a blow on Tuesday night. Senator Bermie Sanders won the state with 59% compared to Clinton’s 38%, at the time of the publication. The race was called quickly for Sanders. Networks and TKNN called the […]