European Union

United Kingdom Formally Triggers Article 50 to Leave the European Union

On Wednesday, the British Permanent Representative to the European Union, Sir Tim Barrow, delivered a formal, six page letter of notification to Donald Tusk, the President of the European Council. With that letter, the United Kingdom triggered Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. Tusk then tweeted, “After nine months the […]

UK Supreme Court Rules Parliament Must Vote on Brexit

The United Kingdom Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that the British Parliament must vote on leaving the European Union, otherwise known as the Brexit, before Prime Minister Theresa May can trigger the European Union’s Article 50. The judges voted against the government in an 8-3 vote. May had wanted to […]

Wikileaks Offering Bounty for Trade Documents

Wikileaks has offered $110,000 for anyone who can bring them documents from the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. The request was announced Tuesday. The website launched a crowdfunding program to try to provide the reward money. They reached 20% of their goal by the afternoon. Greece’s former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis […]