President Obama Cracks Down on Russian-Owned Compounds in America

As part of larger sanctions and punishments on the Russian government, President Obama announced that Russian diplomats and government employees will no longer be able to access two compounds owned by the Russian government, effectively closing the properties. The sanctions come as a result of the Russian government’s interference in the 2016 American presidential election. One compound is in Maryland while the other is in New York.

Maryland property records indicate that the Russian government owns two pieces of property on Town Point Lane in Queen Anne’s County. Based off the property records, one property is just land while the other holds a three-story house built in 1900. Both properties are tax-exempt and were transferred to the Russian Federation government from the Soviet Union government. The properties were transferred in 1995, four years after the fall of the Soviet Union. In a case of noteworthy neighbors, a third property on the street is owned by the United States Department of State.

The New York property is also known as the Killenworth estate. The house was first built by George Dupont Pratt, the son of oil magnate Charles Dupont. The estate was later bought by the Soviet government for use by their United Nations delegates.

The properties are known to house several delegates and their families. However, all residents have been ordered to leave by noon Friday.

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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