BuzzFeed Lands Interview with President Obama 1

BuzzFeed_News_LogoBuzzFeed News has landed an interview with President Obama as he seeks to continue to raise awareness about HealthCare.Gov and making sure people, especially millennials, sign up for coverage. BuzzFeed News Editor-in-Chief Ben Smith is conducting the interview and he is crowd-sourcing questions which can be sent to ObamaIRL@BuzzFeed.Com.

Smith also says that BuzzFeed Motion Pictures, a corporate sibling of BuzzFeed, will be recording a video with the President.

While BuzzFeed News has been praised for its long-form and original reporting, many still compare it to the main BuzzFeed site. In deed, in the comments some mocked BuzzFeed News with potential questions for the President. Taking a note from BuzzFeed’s infamous quiz section, commentators suggested Smith ask, “Which Disney Princess are you?” or “If you were a kitchen utensil, what would you be and why?”

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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One thought on “BuzzFeed Lands Interview with President Obama

  • Eric Saferstein

    The question nobody’s allowed to ask — “President Obama, considering
    the prevalence of large, confined crowds in the U.S. (stadiums,
    ballparks, motor speedways, etc.), shouldn’t the government explicitly
    warn fans that LEGITIMATE venue emergency evacuation orders do NOT come
    from their personal cell phones?”

    Reason being — it would be a malicious hoax designed to induce an
    “artificially generated stampede.” Not allowed to talk about killing
    unless there are weapons. Something to keep in mind as the U.S. has a
    bad habit of underestimating its enemies, both foreign and domestic.

    One more thing. I’m not the only one who knows about this ——–