‘We the People’ Wants Succession


After the election, there are several petitions that have sprung up on the White House’s petition site inquiring about succession. There are several petitions, and the states range from Republican Texas to solid blue New York. Texas’s petition has reached enough signatures that it could get a response. However, it may not get a response, as shown by the reporting done by TKNN. There are also several interesting notes about the petitions written. They have a similar “Peacefully grant the State of” “to withdraw from the United States of America and create a NEW government.” Another interesting note is how many signers are not from the state. Pennsylvania’s petition has signers as far away as Washington.

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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