Obama 2012 Promotes Affordable Care Act

Throughout the 2012 election, President Obama’s health care law has been a hot issue. All Republican candidates have vowed to repeal it, and the President has not promoted it much. Now, that is changing. Obama 2012’s website has multiple places where the Affordable Care Act is explained and promoted. Democrats have said that the reason behind the disliking of the health care law was because of misinformation by Republicans. The Democrats have tried to come out with their favorable statistics. These statistics include 2.5 million young Americans being covered, and no longer can pre-existing conditions be used against kids for health care coverage. The stories include How The Affordable Care Act Affects You, and delivering affordable healthcare is listed as an accomplishment by the President. Today, The Road We’ve Traveled is premiering. This is a film going behind the Obama Administration as they made important decisions. The film was directed by Davis Guggenheim and narrated by Tom Hanks.

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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