Bobby Jindal Drops Presidential Bid

Governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA) announced on Fox News’s Special Report that he is withdrawing from the Republican nomination race. He concluded, “This is not my time, so I am suspending my campaign for President.” Privately, his allies are discussing another future run by the Governor, who was once a rising star in the party.

Jindal had focused his campaign on Iowa, the first nominating state. The state was developing into a bright spot for the campaign. He was in seventh place in the Real Clear Politics average of Iowa polls, the latest polls showed him competitive with Jeb Bush. However, Jindal remained mired at the bottom of the polls, hovering around zero and one percent.

Jindal says he will return to work at his old think tank where he will develop policy and plans for the future.

Despite being praised as a policy wonk a few years ago, Jindal’s campaign was criticized. He focused his campaign on social issues and attacking the left.

In his home state, he faced declining approval ratings. A run-off is currently underway to determine Jindal’s successor. While many polls are too close to call, the Democrat, John Bel Edwards, is seen as a favorite to win. Edwards as tied his Republican opponent, Senator David Vitter, to the largely unpopular policies of Jindal.

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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