The 2016 presidential race has played out all over the social media spectrum. Jeb Bush (R) and Hillary Clinton have engaged in a Twitter fight. Bush is also a LinkedIn influencer. Donald Trump (R) regularly posts campaign ads on Instagram. He takes to Twitter to blast opponents and Facebook is used for press releases.
Now the presidential campaign is coming to the original review website, Yelp.
Yelp announced Tuesday that government offices and agencies can now be reviewed and rated. As such, Carly Fiorina (R) rated the Transportation Security Agency one star out of five. She criticized the agency and the federal government’s border security.
Fiorina’s review:
The TSA spent $160 million of your taxpayer dollars on body scanners that have a 96% failure rate. Unfortunately, these stories of inept federal bureaucracies have become far too common. It is part of a pattern that confirms what we have known for a long time about our government: it has become too big, too powerful, and too corrupt to do its job. How long have our borders been insecure? How long have we known that the Chinese were going to hack our systems? How long has the Veterans Administration been a stain on our nation’s honor?
The American people are tired of a professional political class that speaks in platitudes and cannot get anything done. Whatever your cause, whatever your issue, whatever festering problem you hoped would be resolved, the political class has failed you.
Talking regularly and publicly about these problems is important but, unfortunately, we know a Yelp review is not enough. Our next President must be willing to embrace innovation and to put pressure on the political system. She must have a track record of challenging the status quo and cutting bureaucracies down to size so that we can finally fix the festering problems in our federal government.