Sen. Elizabeth Warren had a press conference today with Boston’s mayor-elect and once again stated that she would not run for President in 2016. She pledged that she would complete her term in the Senate, which ends in 2019. The progressive darling was seen by many on the left as a progressive option against the centrist Hillary Clinton in 2016. Sen. Warren was also seen as another possible woman to run in the event that Clinton doesn’t run. The Warren camp has dampened much of the speculation over the months, with Sen. Warren saying publicly she wouldn’t run and a financial backer telling Politico she wouldn’t run. However, that did not stop pollsters from including her in presidential primary polling, where she was competitive against other Democrats. It also did not stop The New Republic from writing an article that called Sen. Warren the left’s answer to Hillary Clinton. Pundits, however, have been speculating about a Warren run since she defeated Sen. Scott Brown in 2012. Taking office in January, Warren has continued her progressive fury, including times where she has called on Wall Street bankers to be tried. She is extremely popular among progressive grassroots, so much so that the Progressive Change Campaign Committee has merchandise allowing people to claim they are part of the Elizabeth Warren wing of the party.