Tomorrow’s Michigan primary is open, meaning that any voter, regardless of their party affiliation, can vote. Rick Santorum is currently statistically tied with Mitt Romney. But Democrats want to change this. Democrats in Michigan have been saying vote for Rick Santorum. Now, Rick Santorum is embracing this plan. Rick has been doing robocalls targeting Democrats. The reason that Rick is targeting Democrats, besides his statistical tie, is that Michigan is a pivotal state for Mitt Romney. If Rick Santorum wins, it would be incredibly damaging to Mitt Romney’s campaign. Mitt Romney grew up in Michigan as the son of an auto executive and governor. The ironic part about this plan is that Rick Santorum has always campaigned as the true conservative of the race, which is not always attractive to Democrats. However it seems that Democrats are looking past this in order to defeat Mitt Romney. President Obama’s re-election campaign has always assumed Mitt Romney as the nominee and sees Rick Santorum as an easy person to beat.