Herman Cain has risen to the top of the Republican’s polls. Slogans have been made mocking President Obama’s Yes We Can, Cain has Yes We Cain. Herman Cain says that he will not be a flavor of the week. Rick Perry was hailed as the Republican’s savor, but he’s now in 5th place for some polls. So what makes Cain different? Here are two big reasons
He’s Not An Incumbent, For Anything
Herman Cain is not a politician, so he could fare well with the Tea Party who doesn’t seem to believe in incumbents. However Republicans in 2008, painted then-Senator Barack Obama as inexperienced, so nothing is stopping President Obama from painting Cain as inexperienced.
He’s Pro-Business!
Herman Cain was the CEO of Godfather’s Pizza. Republican voters will most likely love a person, who will stand up for business. Cain led a group of investors who bought Godfather’s Pizza from Pillsbury. Cain can boast about possibly being the best to balance the budget, however the question is, how will he do it?