Daily Briefing for September 18, 2012

Hello, and welcome to the Daily Briefing for September 18, 2012. Now today our top stories are:

The PA Voter ID decision has been vacated.
President Obama has a large advantage in a key battleground.
Could Orrin Hatch die? That’s what his opponent is charging.
Well its time for our Short and Sweet Stories, our top stories condensed.
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court announced a decision today on the state’s controversial voter ID law. The court threw the decision to the lower court, ruling 4-2. The 2 dissenting judges said the law should just be tossed out. Instead, the lower court will have to see whether or not the law disenfranchises voters, and whether or not PENNDot is doing the job correctly. The court also suggests enjoining the law, and says the law may be hard to implement in a few months before Election Day.
The latest poll from Virginia shows a eight point lead for President Obama over Mitt Romney. The state has been very close the entire year, and the poll has President Obama at 50%. This is could still be part of the post-convention bump for President Obama.
Orrin Hatch’s opponent is saying you shouldn’t vote for Sen. Hatch because he could die. The lawmaker is currently 78 years old, and says his next term, should he win one, will be his last. Sen. Hatch had to fight off a primary challenge from the Tea Party.
Well, thank you for joining us on Daily Briefing, please join us again tomorrow.

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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