Senator Harry Reid Announces Retirement

capitalSenate Minority Leader Harry Reid has announced his retirement. Previously, he had stated he would run for re-election in Nevada. The retirement caps a decades-long career in Washington. Reid served in the House and then moved up to the Senate. In the Senate, he served as Minority and Majority Whip and Minority and Majority Leader. He served as Majority Leader for eight years, from 2007 to 2015.

Reid recently had an injury that caused great damage to his eye, but he says the injury did not have an impact on his thinking. However, he says that his time recovering allowed him to ponder his political future.

Read Reid’s Statement:

 “When I was a boy, I dreamed of being an athlete. I listened to those baseball games on the radio, and I envisioned myself as a man out in center field at Yankee Stadium or Fenway Park in Boston. But the joy I’ve gotten with the work that I’ve done for the people of the state of Nevada has been just as fulfilling as if I had played center field at Yankee Stadium.

“The job of Minority Leader of the United States Senate is just as important as being the Majority Leader. It gives you so much opportunity to do good things for this country. And that’s what I am focused on.

“But this accident has caused Landra and me to have a little down time. I have had time to ponder and to think. We’ve got to be more concerned about the country, the Senate, the state of Nevada than about ourselves. And as a result of that I’m not going to run for re-election.

“I am going to be here for another 22 months, and you know what I’m going to be doing? The same thing I’ve done since I first came to the Senate.

“We have to make sure that the Democrats take control of the Senate again. And I feel it is inappropriate for me to soak up all those resources on me when I could be devoting those resources to the caucus, and that’s what I intend to do.

“Someone with my background, my upbringing, to have the experiences I’ve had is really a miracle. And I want you to know that I am so grateful for your invaluable support. I have done my best. I haven’t been perfect, but I’ve really tried my hardest to represent the people of the state of Nevada.

“From the bottom of my heart, thank you.”

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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