A new poll released by GOP automated polling firm, Harper Polling, shows that Michigan voters are quickly picking favorites to be their senator. With Sen. Carl Levin retiring next year, it appears like there could be a free-for-all in the state for the seat.
Leading for Democrats is former Governor Jennifer Granholm. The former Governor registered fifty-nine percent support. Gov. Granholm left office in 2011 with low approval ratings, but then began hosting a show on Current TV, and gave a well-received speech at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. With Current TV sold, and her leaving of the show, Gov. Granholm appears free to run for the office. Rep. Gary Peters and Rep. Dan Kildee got thirteen and six percent, respectfully.
News broke over the weekend that Scott Romney, older brother of Mitt Romney, is seriously considering a run at the seat. This new poll puts him in a good position with about twenty-six percent. Following him is Congressmen Mike Rogers, and Justin Amash, and former Michigan Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land at seventeen, eleven, and nine percent, respectfully.
When testing the two, Gov. Granholm would narrowly beat Scott Romney, forty-three percent to forty percent.