Mark Sanford Prepares to Re-Climb Political Ladder


Many politicians speak of a political ladder, which goes from local to state legislature to the House to Senate or governor. Some even compare it to the game, Chutes and Ladders. Scandals, such as corruption or adultery, can be a chute. Now, former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford is attempting to start at the beginning of the ladder, after falling from the biggest slide, going from Governor and presidential prospect to a disgraced politician. Sanford is smart in starting small. He is running for the House of Representatives, and its his former seat. This helps him because many voters already know him, and his record. It is that record which will become increasingly crucial. The former governor will try to shift attention from his past infidelity to his mostly libertarian record. The record proved popular in the district, and will likely serve as a boost.

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About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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