According to a new poll from Public Policy Polling, Stephen Colbert is the choice of South Carolina voters to fill the seat of Jim DeMint. The poll puts the late night pundit at 20%, in second place is Rep. Tim Scott with 15%. Stephen has great support from Democrats and Independents in the state, but only 14% of Republicans have a favorable view of him. While Colbert is the almost clear choice of Democrats and Independents, Republicans are more split. 22% support Tim Scott, while 21% support Trey Gowdy. Tim Scott is believed to be a favorite to get the seat, he is also well liked by Senator DeMint. Even though Stephen Colbert is a favorite, Governor Nikki Haley (R) has rained on his parade. After having his followers bombard her with tweets, the Governor said she would not appoint Stephen Colbert because he didn’t know the state drink.