Political Punch-Out: The Budget Battle Strikes Again

TOP STORY: Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI-1) went before the press today and announced their bipartisan budget plan. The plan was the result of the two being able to push a budget through their respective chambers, which allowed for a bi-chamber conference committee. The conference had twenty-nine members serving, with Murray and Ryan as the conference chairs. Murray and Ryan were chairs due to their roles as the chairs of their respective budget committees. One of the major points in the plan is the replacement of the sequestration in exchange for other cuts, and it avoids a government shutdown in January. Ryan believes conservatives can support the plan because it does not include any new, or increase existing, taxes.


Sen. Rubio: Opposed (Press Release)

Rep. Tim Huelskamp: Opposed (CNN’s Crossfire)

President Obama: Favoring (Press Release)

Speaker Boehner: Favoring (Press Release)

OFF AT THE RACES: Katherine Clark has won the special election in Massachusetts, TKNN projects. With 100% of the results in, Clark has 66% of the vote, defeating Republican Frank Addivinola. Clark will replace Ed Markey in the House, who won a special election to replace now-Secretary of State John Kerry in the Senate.


Former President George H.W. Bush joined Twitter today, and used his first, and only, tweet to honor Nelson Mandela. Former President Bush did not attend Nelson Mandela’s memorial service today, however all other living Presidents did. The former President has only sent out that one tweet, but already has over 35,000 followers.

The White House welcomed former President George H.W. Bush to Twitter today, and asked if we would now be seeing #SocksoftheDay, due to the former President’s colorful sock interests.

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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