One of the Charlie Hebdo Gunmen Buried

world reportOne of the two gunmen from the Charlie Hebdo shooting has been buried. Earlier this year, Said Kouachi and his brother, Cherif, went to the offices of the satirical magazine and killed twelve people, including staffers and police officers. Said Kouachi was buried in his hometown of Reims late last night. The mayor, however, objected to his burial, fearing it could become a shrine to the deceased and his acts. However, the French government forced his burial, but they left the grave unmarked. The widow of the Kouachi did not attend he burial, for fear it would reveal the location of his body. In a statement, the city government said, “Given the risk of disturbance of the peace and in order to quickly turn the page of this tragic episode, it was decided to do the burial quickly.”
Kouachi’s brother, Cherif, has not been buried yet. However, he is expected to be buried in his hometown of Gennevilliers.

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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