Former Uruguayan President Tabare Vasquez was elected today to serve another term as President, according to exit polls. Vasquez had previously served a term from 2005 to 2010 and left office with high approval ratings. Uruguay, like Virginia, has a one-term limit, however Uruguay’s Presidents serve five-year terms. The current president is Jose Mujica. Both Vasquez and Mujica are from the left-wing Broad Party which is in charge of the government. Vasquez ran against Lacalle Pou, who is a member of the right-wing National Party. The exit polls show Vasquez leading Pou, 53% to 41%.
Pou has conceded defeat to Vasquez.
In the first round of voting, Vasquez had 46% of the vote. The lack of a majority caused Vasquez and Pou, the two highest vote-getters, to advance to a second round of voting. The third place candidate, Pedro Bordaberry of the Colorado Party, came out and endorsed Pou.
Under Mujica, the country legalized abortion, same-sex marriage, and marijuana. Vasquez has promised to continue strengthening the country by focusing on crime and education.