MSNBC has updated its graphics package and cut the live ticker. The live tickers on the main three cable news channels have their roots in the September 11th terrorist attacks but have since lost some favor. Fox News only uses the ticker during primetime while CNN uses the ticker most of the day.
“We’re removing the scrolling ticker at the bottom of the screen for a cleaner view that puts our reporting more front and center. As a network, we focus on up-to-the-minute breaking news showcasing our team’s smart reporting and in-depth analysis, and we want viewers to get the best possible experience,” a MSNBC spokesperson said.
The time and stock market information are still shown on-screen but now as part of a black rectangle adjacent to the MSNBC logo in the lower right corner.
Cable news has experimented with various versions of the ticker, including how information is shown and when. CNN for several years used a flipper where news headlines flipped from one to another instead of ticking across. MSNBC has also sometimes dabbled in rundown graphics instead of tickers.