Fox News’s Wise Guys Look to the Future of the Nation 1

Courtesy Fox News

Courtesy Fox News

Former Secretary of Education Bill Bennett will host a special on Fox News Sunday night entitled The Wise Guys. The special will feature a panel of Wynn Resorts CEO Steve Wynn, retired Lt. Colonel and Fox News host Oliver North, former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, and Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz. The panel will be moderated by Bennett.

The one hour program will tackle the economy and changes in technology with an overarching focus on the future of the nation.

Despite Fleischer tweeting that Fox News was “launching” a new series, a Fox News spokesperson told TKNN that The Wise Guys is a one-time special.

The special will air from Wynn Hotel, a property owned by Wynn’s company.

Aside from Dershowitz, all of the panelists have ties to the Republican Party. Wynn is the finance chair of the Republican National Committee while Bennett and Fleischer served in the Reagan and Bush 43 Administrations, respectively. North served in the Reagan Administration as part of the National Security Council and ran for the Senate in 1994 as a Republican.

Dershowitz, however, is a member of the Democratic Party. He has recently been in the news for his outspoken views on the Mueller investigation and his argument that President Donald Trump’s dismissal of FBI Director James Comey was not obstruction of justice.

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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