Earlier this week, Fox News correspondent-at-large Geraldo Rivera took to Twitter to opine on Matt Lauer losing his job at the Today Show over inappropriate sexual behavior. However, Rivera did not stop there, going on a mini-tweetstorm on the storm of sexual harassment allegations rocking the industry. Rivera also tweeted very specific criteria that sexual harassment allegations should have to fit, a move that raised some eyebrows.
“Geraldo’s tweets do not reflect the views of Fox News or its management,” Fox News later said in a statement. “We were troubled by his comments and are addressing them with him.” Rivera, a former talk show host, later tweeted out an apology for his comments.
While Rivera’s original tweets were going viral, a video resurfaced of Bette Midler giving an interview to Barbara Walters where she alleged that Geraldo Rivera groped her in the early 1970s. In her tweet she complained that Rivera had never apologized. Friday morning, however, Rivera tweeted an apology to Midler.
Rivera’s tweets come as the news industry has been rattled by allegations of sexual harassment. In addition to Lauer, Charlie Rose was fired from CBS This Morning and his talk show ended as a result of numerous allegations and Fox News let go of both network head Roger Ailes and host Bill O’Reilly.
Fox News did not respond to a request for comment regarding Rivera’s apology to Midler.