CNN Refreshes White House Team

white house goodCNN announced Tuesday morning that it is refreshing its White House team. In addition, some political journalists are changing coverage areas.

Jim Acosta, who currently serves as senior White House correspondent, has been promoted to chief White House correspondent for the news organization. He is the first chief White House correspondent for CNN since Jessica Yellin several years ago. Acosta has been the senior White House correspondent for CNN since 2013.

Pamela Brown is moving from the Justice Department beat to the White House. She will serve as senior White House correspondent alongside Jeff Zeleny. At the Justice Department, Brown has been one of CNN’s top reporters on the Russian investigation and former FBI Director Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Two reporters who have been covering the White House are moving to other areas. Sara Murray is moving to Brown’s position at the Justice Department and her main topic will be the Russian investigation. Joe Johns, who as senior Washington correspondent has primarily focused on the White House, will cover the 2018 midterm elections.

Abby Phillip and Boris Sanchez will continue to be White House correspondents and Kaitlan Collins’s position as White House reporter remains unchanged.

The new positions will take effect on Monday, January 15.

About Tyler

Tyler is the chief media reporter for TKNN, with the news organization since its founding in November of 2010. He has previously served as chief political reporter and chief political anchor for TKNN.

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