NBC has announced that it is spinning off Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update segment for a four episode series during August later this year. Weekend Update anchors Michael Che and Colin Jost will return for the series and the network says that other SNL cast members will appear as well.
This is not the first time NBC has spun off Weekend Update, a segment that dates back to SNL’s first episode. NBC had Weekend Update in primetime during 2008 and 2012 for the presidential elections as well as in 2009. During the 2016 election, Jost and Che appeared on MSNBC during the Republican and Democratic conventions for a Weekend Update segment.
The first episode will air Thursday, August 10.
“‘SNL’ is having its best season in a quarter of a century — how many shows can say that?! — so we didn’t want them to take the summer off,” Robert Greenblatt, chairman of NBC Entertainment, said in a statement.
“We’re thrilled to have Colin Jost and Michael Che continuing their unique brand of news with fresh ‘Weekend Update’ shows in primetime this August.”
Saturday Night Live has been experiencing a surge in relevance and ratings coming off the presidential election. While SNL typically has little political comedy outside of presidential elections, the show has had numerous sketches taking aim at the Trump Administration. SNL is currently experiencing their best seasonal ratings since 1992-93.