Jane Pauley, a former Today Show host who currently works with CBS, will take over as the new host of CBS Sunday Morning. Charles Osgood, who has hosted since 1994, officially retired from the show on Sunday. He also announced Pauley as his replacement during his final program.
Pauley joined CBS in 2014 after Sunday Morning did a profile on her. Since then, she has contributed pieces to Sunday Morning and served as a backup host in Osgood’s absence.
Osgood was 61 when he took over CBS Sunday Morning from Charles Kuwait and Pauley is 65.
“Charles Osgood set the standard for CBS Sunday Morning,” Pauley said.
“And it’s a great honor to be given the chance to further our show’s legacy of excellence. I look forward to bringing loyal viewers the kind of engaging, original reporting that has made the broadcast so irresistible for so long.”
“Jane Pauley is the ideal host for the most wide-ranging news program on American culture, our beloved CBS Sunday Morning broadcast,” said CBS News president David Rhodes.
Pauley’s first show will be October 9. No show will air on October 2 because of a football game.
While the host is changing, little else is. The executive producer, Rand Morrison, will be staying on and staff changes are not expected.
CBS has a lot riding on a smooth transition. CBS Sunday Morning is the top Sunday news program and provides a large boost to the following program, Face the Nation.
“We first got to know Jane when we did a story about her,” said Morrison.
“Our viewers immediately responded by suggesting she belonged on Sunday Morning permanently. And as is so often the case, they were right. She’s a dedicated, experienced broadcast journalist. But every bit as important, she’s a delight to work with. A worthy successor—and a perfect fit.”